
Five Questions Candidates Could Ask In Their Interview

4 minutes

I have interviewed hundreds of candidates throughout my career and I am continually surprise...


I have interviewed hundreds of candidates throughout my career and I am continually surprised by how many interviewees don’t ask good questions – many of them don’t ask any questions at all.

An interview is a two-way street, an opportunity for you to find out about the role, the company and the culture, not just for the interviewer to see if you are a good fit for their role.

When the inevitable “Do you have any questions for me?” is delivered, use this as an opportunity to make the interviewer sit up and take notice of you. If you have some innovative and interesting questions prepared to ask it shows that you have thought about the role and the company values and will also give you an opportunity to get some opinions from a current employee of the company that you want to join.

So here are the 5 best questions that we at Warman O’Brien think will help to impress your potential employer and help you to gain some insight into whether the role and the company are right for you.

1.    What would you expect me to achieve in my first 3 months to be considered successful?

This type of question shows your potential employer that you are the type of person who likes to hit the ground running and that you are looking to be successful.

It will also give you an insight into what the expectations are from a business perspective and whether you would be able to fulfil those expectations. You will come away from the interview knowing what your future new employer would consider being a successful start to your new role.

2.    What are some of the challenges that I will face in this role?

Asking this question may get you some valuable information that you would never get from a job description. It can also present an opportunity for you to talk about how you’ve approached similar challenges in the past, which can be reassuring to your interviewer. Don’t use this opportunity as a sales pitch for yourself, but if asking about challenges leads to a discussion of how you’d approach them it can be genuinely useful for both parties.

It also shows the interviewer that you want to know about any potential negatives as well as positives and are willing to tackle any difficulties that you may face.

3.    What are you looking for in a “great” candidate?

The answer to this question will give you a lot of insight into what it will take to truly excel in the role, and you can think about whether that is something that you are able to do. You will get feedback on what key attributes they are looking for to fill the role, and where that fits with the business needs of the company.

4.    Do you have any questions or concerns about me at this stage?

It could be a good opportunity for you to find out if there is anything your interviewer would like you to elaborate on. Ask if there is anything that they need you to explain further or provide additional examples for. This is a good way to gauge how you are doing with some immediate feedback, as well as being able to address any concerns that your interviewer may have face-to-face without being too confrontational.

5.    What do you like most about working for this company?

This question will help you create a sense of camaraderie with your interviewer and will give you an insider’s view on the best parts about working for the company. Conversely, if the interviewer struggles to answer quickly, it could tell you something about the company, the culture, the rewards or incentives and the general working environment.

Asking good questions during an interview can be a game-changer in terms of impressing your potential employer and gaining valuable insight into the role and company. It shows that you are genuinely interested in the job and have thought about the company's values and expectations. Remember, the interview is a two-way conversation, and asking good questions can help you determine if the role and the company are the right fit for you. If you are seeking help with finding a new rewarding role, contact our team. We are happy to guide you throughout your hiring process and to help you rock your interview.

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