
5 Tips On How To Settle In To A New Job

4 minutes

Starting a new job can be daunting, whether it is your first role or your tenth. However con...

Starting a new job can be daunting, whether it is your first role or your tenth. However confident you feel, your first few days and weeks can be as intimidating as they are exciting, and it is vital that you make a good impression. Here are some tips to help you settle in quickly and effectively.

1. Get networking

There is no better time to make use of your networking skills than when you are starting a new role. Take every opportunity to introduce yourself to and ask people about their role, don’t just rely on introductions from other colleagues.

Hopefully, your new team will be welcoming and supportive, but if your role is new or you are replacing someone that was particularly well-liked, they may be a little suspicious of you. Stay positive and professional, and work on building respect and trust with your new team. Look for ways to help them out and take an interest in what others are doing. Try to pick up on your colleagues’ working styles and adapt your approach to their needs.

2. Immerse yourself in the company culture

To fit in at a new job you will need to learn and understand the culture of the company and adapt your style to it. It is likely that you have shown many of the values that will make you a good fit for the company given that you were hired for the position but embracing the culture of your new company will ingratiate you with your new colleagues.

Company culture is likely to stem from the organisations origins so read up on its current mission statements, history, and company handbooks. Keep an eye on how new ideas are developed, discussed, and implemented, and who the key decision-makers are.

Given that you have a new, fresh perspective you may have some ideas of your own on how to improve the culture. Before bringing these up or attempting to implement them, make sure that you have taken the time to fully absorb everything about the current working environment.

3. Understand your job description

Your written job description is a good place to start for you to understand your new role and responsibilities, but it is also important to establish what is expected of you both internally and externally in order to succeed. You should also spend some time getting to know your new organisations industry, customers, competitors, products, services and people to be in a strong position to start performing at your best.

4. Build a rapport with your manager

It is important to organise regular meetings with your manager to review your performance and to build a rapport with them. Make sure that you have agreed on a set of goals and expectations for your probation period. If you aren’t provided with these by your manager, be proactive and put some together yourself to be approved. Schedule a review of these for halfway through the probation period to make sure that you are on course, and to leave yourself enough time for any corrective actions.

Keep the communication up with your manager, they aren’t mind readers, keep them informed on how you are feeling and of any questions that you have or support that you need. Ask for feedback and make sure that you are meeting their expectations. Make sure that you don’t take every minor issue to your manager though, use your co-workers for help and advice too.

5. Find a mentor

A good way to familiarise yourself with your new company and position is to find a mentor. As you are introduced to your new colleagues look out for people who convey reliability, confidence, and initiative. Once you have identified someone who could be a mentor, drop them an email or pop your head into their office and let them know that you are interested in learning about, and from, their experiences.

It will never hurt to have an experienced, knowledgeable and successful fellow professional to bounce ideas off. A mentor can work as a simple sounding board but can also be someone who helps direct and advance your career within the organisation.

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